Hi everyone!

.This is my first time doing qPCR and although I have read several papers about statistics in qPCR I'm not completely sure of doing it correctly.

I have this groups

1)diploid fish control (DC)

2 ) fasting diploid fish (FD)

3) fasting and refeeding dipliod fish (FRD)

4)Triploid fish control (TC)

5 ) fasting triploid fish (FT)

6) fasting and refeeding tripliod fish (FRT)

I have used delta delta CT method

I made all expression of target gen relative to housekeeper and finally calculated delta delta CT between






This way I could obtein fold change regarding control according to each ploidy . My question is if I can apply anova between

-fasting groups



in order to see ploidy efects, despite the use of two different controls for diploids and triploids fish.

If someone can help me I will be grateful!

Andrea Boaglio.

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