There are many disadvantages of corruption in the construction industry. The most painful is the resultant side effect on the innocent masses. How can corruption be significantly reduced in the Industry?
corruption is a canker worm that must be tackled in a company, one of such way is prudent and effective management in all departments of the company , particularly inventory and stock management, this way stocks or inventories could be inflated. Another area is the company structure and policies. these two critical areas if properly strengthened could curb corruption in construction companies .
In Italy there is a law that gives the designers of the public administration a bonus in relation to the design. And this bonus is calculated on the total cost of the works. It is clear that during the tenders, these public administrators will tend to make the higher cost projects prevail or, once the applications have been granted, to grant project variants that raise costs.
It really depends on the region being researched. Every country has variations of corruption related to the construction industry. In some countries it may occur within every aspect of a specific project, and in others it may depend on the type of project. For example, some regions may see problems regarding materials, others in labor, the actual construction processes, the permit process, location, inspections, financing, or some other aspect of the project---for example, environmental contaminants or destruction that would otherwise not be allowed.
Those regions that have more regulations for example could go either way (less or more corruption) depending on the levels of oversight, laws, and enforcement. If the potential exists for corruption at any level, it can and will exist---especially in areas lax in these areas or where public servants may benefit more from illegal activities than their oversight and enforcement duties---no matter the amount of regulation. Therefore, the only way to reduce the effects of corruption is through a variety of strategies.
1) Educated workers, managers, engineers, and inspectors regarding not only the laws against corruption, but also the importance of proper building methods and following building codes
2) Punishments for getting caught must outweigh the short term benefits
3) Enforcement of laws and punishments
4) As mentioned by Kayode above, decent wages/salaries for all involved help reduce the need for illicit financial gains
This is merely a basic foundation. The specific region's activities regarding corrupt practices need to be listed and itemized. This will likely require a great deal of qualitative research through individual interviews with those who have been involved and/or affected by these activities.The basic question of "why?" for example could generate a wide variety of responses. (Money, fear, influence, direct threats, the person thought it would be OK because of who directed them, etc.)
In my opinion to prevent corruption in the construction industry, three strategies are suggested namely: (1) development of honest and ethical construction culture, (2) institution of random and regular checks, and (3) supervision of processes and work over project life cycle.
The first strategy is a long-term strategy while the other two are short-term actions.