As an editor, I can't accept authorship on a paper if I have not made a significant contribution. This would be against the policy of all journals. I do provide some free services, such as a health check of your abstract or first page of your introduction. I would be happy to give you my feedback. Please visit my website for more details.
You know, i do not have any money to edit my paper ? what can i do ? that is why i am looking for someone who can help me. Do you someone or an institute to edit my paper freely?
I do not know any services that provide editing for free. I am working on a project that will provide this service for free or at a discounted price, but unfortunately Iran is not on the list of eligible countries.
You could start a collaboration with someone in your research field and work with them together on your research paper.
I can also provide general advice through the public forum on The Science Editorium website. Feel free to ask me anything and I will respond.