Although GCI index is one of the most acceptable and recognized indicator of national competitiveness in the literature, it is not exempt of criticism. Lall (2001) indicated on many methodological, quantitative and analytical problem and dubbed the index "misleading". Van Sel indicated on two most serious problems with GCI (Van Stel et al, 2005). The index is not stable in short time even for developed economies ( USA have a 6th rank in 2007, and 1first in 2008), what questioned his standard. Moreover, GCI is not succeeded in predicting short and long-term economic growth, because it combines so many other variables such as entrepreneurial activity (Xia et al, s.47). However, the authors of newest Global Competitiveness Report state that GCI represent "the concept of competitiveness thus involves static and dynamic competitiveness and .... can explain an economy growth potential" (Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2014, p. 4).What is the true GCI validity for economic growth prediction?

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