Hello, I have a binary edge detected picture(used Canny edge detection method), now I would like to filter out small or not required edges ( by length or shape or number of pixels) in python, does anyone have any suggestions ?
Muhammad Ali very thanks to your answer, thats not what I wanted, I do not want to filter out images in the canny process, later after canny I would like to reduce smaller edges as I desired, the most important for me is since it is a liquid I am processing I would like to see the water drops, but filtering out noises that is not desirable. if I want to do it in canny it does the filter for everything.
To remove small features, you can use "connectedComponentsWithStats" from OpenCV. It allows you to calculate stats over pixels, like component size (cf. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47055771/how-to-extract-the-largest-connected-component-using-opencv-and-python).