I have a 2D plot of a slice of a granuloma for which the model assumes radial symmetry - therefore I want to produce a graph in which this 2D plot is rotated about the central axis to form a volume. Can anyone help?
You can create surface plots in both Excel (see attached files) and Matlab (http://se.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/35305-matlab-plot-gallery-surface-plot--1-/content/html/Surface_Plot_1.html), provided that you have a function that describes your 2D plot well enough.
If you prefer an artistic approach, you can align a spline to your 2D plot, and create a 3D surface from rotating the spline using 3dsmax ("lathe") or Blender ("spin").
Is this the type of result you imagine? Or do you really want to create a volume (e.g. .nii)?