Currently, i am working on teachers' positioning inside classroom and its impact on students perception and interaction toward the materials given in the class.
Very interesting and unusual question. Despite my great teaching experience, I can not give a definite answer and determine the "correct" positioning of the teacher in the classroom. I think that the teachers positioning in the classroom depends on the psychology of the students in the audience, and most importantly - their contact with the teacher.
Really, this formulation has a reason. The optimal localization of teacher (or distance between teacher, students and, possible, some things in classroom) is existing and depends on professional abilities and learning style of teacher.
There is probably no definite and unique answer to this question. It can be observed that a maximum interaction is required with nowadays' students for preventing them becoming bored and restless. The time of a static teacher in his chair is over, wherever he stands. Therefore, I recommend moving for maintaining their attention.
Of course, dynamic manner of teaching is much more effective and attractive than static one because of we are using the possibilities of movie and theatre, not only pure (formal) information exchange...Plus this manner helps teacher to be more creative himself.
The teachers' positioning inside classroom depends on the type of students and their ages. But, also in the kind of discipline. The subject to be taught is very important. Usually, for lectures in amphitheater, the teacher did not have much choice for a subject like physics for example. He (she) stands often in front of the blackboard. But sometimes he (she) can move in amphi if possible for one reason or another.
For the directed works, the teacher is much closer to the students. He (she) then moves from one table to another to answer a question or provide guidance to solve a particular exercise.
Does anyone have solid references related to teachers' positioning inside the classroom? - ResearchGate. Available from: [accessed Oct 30, 2016].