Dear all,
I would like to know your experience about filling out medications and the corresponding doses when you conduct a clinical trial that primarily doesn't aim to examine the effect of drugs. However, the drugs might affect the final results. When I see the publications of different clinical trials (particularly, in cardiology), usually they just mention the substance group (ACE-inhibitors, statins, etc.) without further giving information about the dosage or particular substance names.
Therefore, the question is - whether you just fill out the substance group of current medications that patient takes (e.g. beta blockers, ACE-inhibitors, statins) or you write down, for example, metoprolol, ramipril, atorvastatin? What about dosages - how do you note, for example, the dosage of Ivabradin 5mg that needs to be taken twice a day? Do you write down the cumulative daily cumulative dosis (10 mg) or the dosis that needs to be taken each time (5 mg)?
Thank you very much in advance!!