I have pre-test results from 40 respondents. There were four different groups. These groups were divided based on positive and negative framed messages and radical and incremental product category for brand X. So, the groups were 1. Negative framed/incremental innovation, 2. Positive framed/ Radical innovation, 3. Negative framed/Radical innovation and 4. Positive framed/incremental innovation.

For each of these groups I have developed print advertisements. For example: in Vignette # 1, I have informed that the innovation in incremental and injected negatively framed message, for vignette # 2 I have shown a radical innovation and injected positively framed messages and so on. After showing the advert material I have asked a series of questions; whether they find the advert realistic, believable and their level of interest ( continuous/interval data). I have also asked question to know whether the negatively framed messages were identified as negative and vice versa for positive (continuous/interval data). I have asked questions to know whether radical and incremental innovations are identified by the respondents ( continuous/interval data). Now, I want to know whether the negatively framed messages and positively framed messages are identified as negative or positive? and whether radical and incremental innovations are considered as radical or incremental. Finally, I would like to know whether all these print adverts are realistic, believable and similar in their level of interest?

Please specify what sort of ANOVA do I need to conduct? and specific guide that I may receive from any book or manuscript.

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