In view of my experiernce, though literature supports, group work as preferred form of strategy (small groups are easy to manage and increased learning), but negative group dynamics adversly affects learning; and careful attention to factors while devicing strategies around group work. One of quote from my thesis about group dynamics:"
“We have to go through a lot of group work activities in all semesters. Group work needs learning about group dynamics. Group dynamics in group work include: team building, forging trusting relations between group members, assisting each other, learning from each other, and supporting each other. However,.... I have never witnessed group work in this context. Here, group work is accompanied by stress and toxic relationships... and negative attitudes towards each other, and learning is negatively affected by it. Mostly, the faculty is unaware of the real group dynamics. Some students tend to work less in the group and, consequently, others have to do more work” (P-13).( Asad, 2018).
Monaco, M., & Martin, M. (2007). The millennial student: a new generation of learners. Athletic Training Education Journal, 2(2), 42-46.
Covey, S. R. (1992). The seven habits of highly effective people (p. 358). London: Simon and Schuster.