The Internet of things (IoT) is the network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and network connectivity which enables these objects to connect and exchange data
IOT has a bright future in training and education, in virtual experiments and laboratories. making possible a real remote education. It is apossible to reuse the same components (IOT enabled) to realize experiments in different fields of application, not only in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, but in any imaginable domain..
I.O.T. theory is all good , but for immediate practical applications think of remotely interrogated weather stations (and their management) as a project, for example. Weather sensors are cheap and a similarly low cost micro-controller (Ethernet enabled such as a UNO with the Ethernet shield or various others) can be readily set up and installed. Sensors can be read from remote locations, queries can be made by students using different parameter combinations to access various functions ( think of read pressure in millibars, convert to psi a or mm col. Hg, read temperature in various units etc). Homework could include things like make a web page for the automated weather station, allowing for remote interrogation or even think of connecting several such stations across campus and even out temperature and atmospheric pressure data to remove errors/ error detection algorithm with outlier elimination, etc. Of course automated low cost weather stations are a thing and can be bought ready-made (and some even ready-programmed) but maybe the low tech approach- get separate sensors for temperature, pressure, etc -and let the students the datasheets , choose the right ones etc and then implement them on the board together with the appropriate query methods is a good exercise. Integrating many such things /systems with Ethernet connections and management of the weather station network is also an interesting exercise. Try to include as many data types as possible- using a large variety of sensors: webcam for image acquisition, (local weather data such as cloud cover etc) , pyrometers if you want to see "how sunny" it is /how much energy could be extracted using PV systems, temperature from a thermistor or dedicated sensor, maybe even some wind speed data. Good luck with this easy but easily up-scalable project!
افتكر لحل مشكل تقديم المحتوى التعليمي عن طريق شبكة الانترنت عليك اولا تقومي بتصميم صفحة شخصية بها كافة المواد التي تقومين بتدريسها ليتمكن الطالب من تحميلها في اي زمن وهذا مايعرف بالتعليم الالكتروني الغير مباشر وهو احد انواع التعليم عن بعد اما النوع الثاني من انواع التعليم عن بعد التعليم الالكتروني المباشر وهذا اكثر تكلفه ومتطلبات
you must create personal web site so as to present your subject on in it so this need to know how you can design webpage