This discussion on the cluster expnasion of metallic sysytems using ATAT along with quantum espresso. I am new to ATAT as well as DFT. I am trying to do cluster expansion of a metallic system, say Mo-V sysytem. I am following the instructions given the manual to start the expansion and there is a script code to generate the input files for energy calculations. The code is attached to this.
I am trying to do cluster expansion for BCC system with lattice parameter 3.51. The script is generating the input file with both ibrav & celldm along with CELL_PARAMETERS. With ibran not equal to 0, this is reulting error, "redundant data for cell parameters". With a little investigation I found that error is due to the info given in CELL_PARAMETERS. By removing this info, The calculations could continue.
Now, my question is,