I am seeking a good book for Principles of Petrology. Would you please recommend a book (better in Arabic). The book will be used as a reference for undergraduate students in Geology and mining course.
Principles of Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology (2009) by Anthony Philpotts and Jay Ague, Camebridge University Press.
This book is written in English and not in Arabic, but it provides a good overlook on the petrology of ignous and metamorphic rocks. I'm not aware of any books that give an overlook on the petrology of ignous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. There is one, but it is written in German.
السلام عليكم: كيف الحال استاذ سامح , اقترح يمكن الاعتماد على كتاب جيولوجيا المناجم والاستكشاف المعدني الذي يتضمن على فصول عديدة تغطي الترسبات المعدنية وجيولوجيا المناجم ويمكن تنزيله مجانا من موقع Research gate , وهو من تاليفي ويحتوي على رمز نشر عالمي .