I am looking to support a body of research I have been working on over the past four years regarding engagement and the completion and integration of action plans related to program evaluation.
The completion and the integration of action plan COULD be affected by the cultural- stand, psychological interest and background of the individual, as well as other standard variables. The reason is that in some occasions, the topic could emerge as a inner challenge to our subconsious to wrestle to prove an indication that is not settled yet, subjectively. Interesting enough, the dominant geopolitical conditions (in our current electronic era), the early childhood, and even the gender issues in various geographies could be some of the encouraging or the decelerating factores, for the motivation and integration of an investigation, in general.
Can you please provide more information. It is not clear what you are asking vis-a-vis evaluation. Engagement is not synonymous with compliance, and that, of course, is a key question in assessing the impact of an intervention on an outcome.
I can respond more completely, once I get some more information about your study and what you are trying to assess.
While there are many ways to do this, I believe the best way is to base the evaluation on a theoretical framework. I am attaching a paper that describes a method that has been very successful for me.
Article Establishing and Evaluating Equitable Partnerships
Es la evaluación a un programa o a un proyecto? En el marco de evaluación de programas hay una serie d eindicadores de evaluación que se han venido generando en el marco d elas políticas d ecalidad y los procesos d eacreditación que se viven en todos los paises. Indicadores que están centrados en una serie de factores: pertinencia, contextualización, impacto, logros. Le envio algunos links a documentos serios de evaluación.
Hi, I suppose when you talked about engagement in relation to program evaluation you meant how the target recipient of the program interacted with the program during the design and implementation stage. It could be by designing a theoretical framework for the program as pointed out by McClean and then base the evaluation on it thereby serving as a frame reference. So for example if you are designing any data collection instruments, it flows along the theoretical perspectives to help harmonise the evaluation process. You can check a text by H.T Chen on Program evaluation for further guidance.