Aya. To extract the P300 ERP you need to produce a time-locked average across each trial of the same type - that is take all the trials of a given type, align them to a trigger that indicates the onset of the stimulus, and then average across them. You will probably have to do some artefact rejection (to remove eye-blinks etc) and some bandpass filtering prior to doing this (0.3-30Hz is a reasonable starting point). I don't use it, but EEGLab is a matlab toolbox that should allow you to do all of these things without too much trouble.
Aya. To extract the P300 ERP you need to produce a time-locked average across each trial of the same type - that is take all the trials of a given type, align them to a trigger that indicates the onset of the stimulus, and then average across them. You will probably have to do some artefact rejection (to remove eye-blinks etc) and some bandpass filtering prior to doing this (0.3-30Hz is a reasonable starting point). I don't use it, but EEGLab is a matlab toolbox that should allow you to do all of these things without too much trouble.
I second using EEGlab, and for ERPs like the P300 download ERPlab too (which is just an extra bit for EEGlab designed specifically for ERPs). They are both free and there is really good documentation online with step-by-step tutorials.
I agree that it would be wise to use something like EEGlab which also helps you preprocess your data properly. Another option would be to use the toolbox FieldTrip, that's also a Matlab-toolbox for EEG analysis and it has good tutorials on its website about all the steps you need to take.