I am trying to survey the pinnacle of information pyramid and the pinnacle of truth the AI researchers have been trying to find. Lots of phenomena we have observed through knowledge representation. However, few pieces of literature have thrown lights on wisdom. 

I am talking on the perspective of the pyramid data-information-knowledge-wisdom. Typically information is representation of organized collection of data (facts) and exhibited in database, knowledge is the organized collection of information, typically represented in rule-based or symbolic pattern and can be exhibited in the semantic web as proposed by Tim Berners-Lee or in software agents by   Dr. Pattie Maes, semantic reasoning and knowledge representation as proposed by Stanford researchers or written in the book Artificial intelligence- Artificial Intelligence and proposed  A Modern Approach

Stuart Jonathan Russell, Peter Norvig and lastly challenges of AI by Alan Turing and other famous computer scientists. Lots of branches  of AI encode the virtues of  Wisdom or sapience is the ability to think and "act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight". A look at the index of the famous AI books cover Goals, Deduction, reasoning, problem solving, knowledge representation, Planning, Learning, Natural language processing, perception, motion and manipulation, Long term goals, social intelligence, creativity, Statistical Learning(probabilistic reasoning), intelligent agent paradigm, search and optimization, Logic, Evaluation process. While these may cover in books and these may well subsume the term of intelligence behavior, can we say at this extent whether these will help a robot in future to stand in wisdom? (Challenges by mathematician Alan Turing).

We have also seen lots of AI movies, AI games throwing wisdom to people.My question is why these terms are "wisdom" are not so used in scientific parlances of AI.  

Moreover, the terms are widely used in the literature "Can machine exhibit intelligence?" How about the question "Can machine exhibit wisdom" How much is it searched by AI researchers. Can you throw light on me?

Kindly don't attack me on the perspective of the limitations of my knowledge. Appreciate any of your perspectives.

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