Conventional microscopic identification of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria (growing in nitrogen-free medium) is a difficult task. Does anyone work with a diversity of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria and heterotrophic bacteria?
Generally for identification of nitrogen fixers, the gene nifH is used. It encodes the Fe protein of the enzyme nitrogenase so is only found in nitrogen fixers. It also gives a tree very similar to those using 16s. So that might be the best thing to do first: amplify nifH with universal oligos and produce a clone library for sequencing. You can find universal nifH oligo sequences and amplification conditions in the article below (see table 1 for sequences). I've also attached apaper by Moisander et al 2008 which give QPCR primers and probes designed to target different groups (ie different group of cyanobacteria or different types of heterotrophic bacteria. Using QPCR will enable you to quantify what you have in your culture, but you would probably be best sequencing via a clone library first to get a braod handle on what you've got