I am using the FDTD method for the simulation of electron-cyclotron beam propagation in cold, anisotropic, time-independent plasma. My setup has the specialty that the "scatterer", i.e. the plasma, extends up to the boundary condition layer, because it is not desirable to surround the plasma region with vacuum in order not to have reflections (we wish to model through-propagation from the plasma layer). Known textbooks (Kunz-Luebbers, Taflove, Kalluri) do not include this case, these are mostly focused in cases where the scatterer is embedded in vacuum (like e.g an aircraft). I am interested in finding out what is the most proper choice for a boundary layer (what kind of PML actually, since Mur's conditions cannot be applied due to the associated vacuum cells) and for a field-handler method (total field, scattered field or total-field-scattered-field?), but also any other comment of bibliographic reference will be of much help.

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