I am interested in studying quality of life among nurses. I have read some studies on this topic, but are there any studies comparing quality of life of nurses working in different countries?
It will certainly be a very interesting study. At this stage I am not aware of any of these studies undertaken in South Africa.. Kind regards Ethelwynn
Jonas, good question there are international studies on issues such as stress, burnout and compassion fatigue which could be seen as a few indicators of QoL; related concepts are work-life balance, sickness rates, staff turnover again indicators. Have you yet defined what QoL means and what the key indicators measures might be? There is a journal called 'Quality of Life' and they have published a few studies. See for example:
Health-related quality of life of doctors and nurses in China: findings based on the latest open-access data
He, Min ; Wang, Qiqi ; Zhu, Songlin ; Tan, Aichun ; He, Qiong ; Chen, Tianmu ; Hu, Guoqing Quality of Life Research, 2012, Vol.21(10), pp.1727-1730
Work ability as a major determinant of clinical nurses’ quality of life
Milosevic, Milan ; Golubic, Rajna ; Knezevic, Bojana ; Golubic, Karlo ; Bubas, Marija ; Mustajbegovic, Jadranka Journal of Clinical Nursing, 2011, Vol.20(19‐20), pp.2931-2938
A literature review of factors related to hospital nurses' health‐related quality of life
Many studies focus on nursing job satisfaction rather than overall quality of life. There are individual studies done in a variety of locations/regions.
That information might be helpful to investigate.
This is an example; Zangaro, G. & Soeken, K. (2007) A meta analysis of studies of nurses job satisfaction. Res. Nurs. Health. 30: 445-448.
Bardzo istotne badanie dotyczące jakości życia QL pielęgniarek.Nie znam takich badań oprócz tzw.satysfakcji z pracy zawodowej.Chętnie podjęłabym takie badanie w Polsce.Eleonora Mess