Are there codes to determine the reaction rate for Li battery in Lammps software?
Li+ + e -> Li
You may use react force field about your interest materials if there exists one.
How do I do energy minimization in lammps with NVT ensemble ? I am using the following command and it does not seem to work. It stops at extremely high energy and gives me the error zero search...
01 March 2021 2,294 3 View
I have created an Ice 1h crystalline structure and an Aluminium substrate structure and equilibrated both at 250K. Now I need to bring them together in a way that an adhesive bond is created....
01 March 2021 3,325 2 View
Is there any way to construct different initial filler shapes like triangle, square, rectangle, pillar, and tube in any simulation software.
20 February 2021 1,750 1 View
Hello all, as I understand there isn't any straight way to get an rdf of atoms from the center of mass or a coordinate of specific atoms in lammps. I wonder if anyone know any trick or way to get...
16 February 2021 2,517 2 View
All, I am trying to equilibrate an Ice 1h crystalline structure to 250K in LAMMPS. When I tried to do this at 250K directly, the structure lost it's crystalline shape and became disordered post...
14 February 2021 5,747 2 View
Trying to simulate a ice-PTFE interaction and am unable to find a reference which actually lists out forcefield parameters for PTFE-PTFE interactions using ReaxFF or even other force fields like...
08 February 2021 9,373 2 View
I have created an Ice 1h structure and am equilibrating it 100K in NVT ensemble in LAMMPS for a timestep of 0.25fs in 3000 steps. The potential used is TIP4P/Ice. Although the simulation runs fine...
26 January 2021 9,603 11 View
I want to plot the distribution curve of dipole moment as a function of angles between dipole vector and solid surface in the presence of external electric field. My system is consisting a...
17 January 2021 1,508 4 View
Can anyone recommend a good code/software/implementation to identify the change of molecules (bond creation/break, number of molecules at a given timestep, etc.)? I am currently working with XYZ...
12 January 2021 1,655 4 View
Hello everyone. I wrote a program in Lammps that applies pressure on three axes separately. Since in reality the pressure is applied randomly on each of the three axes; How do I write the program...
29 December 2020 7,072 1 View