Has anyone succeeded in making an hodograph in NCL for WRF outputs? I have tried to implement the Dennis Shea script and a mix of wind rose - Taylor graph but the results are awful.
If you are interested in using something other than NCL, there is a great, relatively new Python project called SHARPpy developed for the purpose of soundings/hodograph analysis. In fact, I believe one of the reasons these routines were developed was to provide a sufficient alternative to NCL plotting scripts for meteorological soundings. The source code is well documented on their github:
Thank you Zachary for the suggestion, I will try the SHARPPy package on netCDF files. I had quit Python because of installation problems in my computer...
Python really offers a lot of great opportunities in the meteorological and climate fields. I would try installing the Anaconda package, which comes along with a great Python application called Spyder that uses an interactive session/scripting interface similar to Matlab. It also comes with miniconda, which is a great way to easily install additional Python binaries and packages. Good luck!