01 January 1970 3 7K Report

This discussion is part of my Dissertation of the history of Microsoft and MSDOS 1.0.

For 10 years i downloaded the book of WPF4 Unleashed. The Author of this great book is Adam Nathan.

By the time i was a student.

So currently i'm narrating the book to investigate it for historical purpose.

Here are some of my conclusions.

1. Adam Nathan was in the core of the Windows Presentation Fondation WPF.

2. His FotoGallery Example was not completed and could have benefit to billions of people by simply visualizing fotos. I am one of the few people that use Picasa3 and i am currently developping a new version with WPF : Picasa 4 Photo Gallery

1. Author 1: Adam Nathan

2. Author 2: Kais el Kara

- Also i also developped a Radioplayer and this example was not present in the book of Adam.

- Also I build a new Notepad with Multitabs and numerated lines.

I used TabControl.

This examples should be completed and be available in a new version of the book 2020.

- More of this Microsofts News in the next Days Months.

Ps. Dont Forget Picasa For Archeology.

Google was too smart to end its developpment in 2015.

And Microsoft was not active enough to buy the product from Google to integrate it in Windows2020-PicassaPicassoEdition

Dissertation started back in 2019.

Experience 20 years.






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